
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

the death of our life

Too much of good things may be bad, the sooner it spreads happiness the near it will turn us into sad. 
We may got our share of necessary losses, but we should go on with pride, dignity and never be mad. 
For all our ups and downs were but distinguishing between who will be there and who can't found.
yet always remember that, life is what once was held onto light, through misty despair it may leave our sight,
I've a heart protect you, called you my life, but I have a question do simple yet Sharp as a knife ...
are we living life of death, or the death of our life . ..?
are they pretend to help you watching our lives decay,  or you just waiting our "togetherness" last day. 
which of these questions holds the truth...!
which of our feelings need more proves..!