
Monday, October 30, 2017

Truth is horrible...

living in isolation for a long time until one's lost the spirit of dialogue, 
embracing ethics as a principle to awaking up in a time where people seek corruption with pride.
searching for impossible hope in a fading sunbeam which only appears in the dark. 

And between doubt and certainty, I've found goodness buried under a world full of pain.
And in the middle of worldly chaos, a beam of light beneath this misty atmosphere... glow as last candle of hope, 
invading the darkness of that hollow universe, showing the soul that there is still a fine end to the maze.
An angel wears the cloak of arrogance and pride, he drives me to face my fears.
He wants me to win in a war against my principles, to become a monster of his laziness.
And the question is,, Shall I live as a beast, or shall I die as a human..?
Thousands of words are not enough to make the blind... clear,
Thousands of deeds do not guarantee purity of one conscience,
Yes we may died and miraculously we may came back to life ... and then, O people, 

You will never fear death anymore, never afraid it at all .... you will afraid of life, this beautiful false living which lies beneath desires and the admiring of survival upon the bodies of the weakness... true is horrible...   isn't it..!