
Thursday, October 05, 2017

Vanity never meet dignity

Do you ever before knew that life isn't only the pleasure of vanity, for there is still this special kinds of human whom never regret for a second about them honest intention, And even for them greed-less deeds in this life , even if they found not anyone who he appreciates them as it should.
They will stay proud that them were and still remains humans carrying a heart of gold.
Yeah. It is painful for anyone to promise you to stay forever in your life, for he will not go away, but he will make you leave by his vanity actions toward you.. and then,
Only then you will discover the end of your validity in them hearts and finally you will not waste your time in inquiries when there is no place to express ... you will carry away with you the dignity still remains in your vain, got the lesson and just wake away knowing that life was only the pleasure of vanity to some people.