
Monday, November 27, 2017

Angel of death

once upon a time. There was a child of hostile character. He hated the arrogant. He humiliates those who feel they are stronger than him only to increase strength and hardness. He dreamed of being an unrivaled knight.
While receiving his education. Despite his family's place among neighbors. His father sent him to learn most of the crafts. And the people respected his father and feared his also.. And was the only condition for each of handicrafts those he sent his son to them, just not to insult his son dignity. And never pay money for what he doing among other things.
someday the boy become a madness man of dignity and a knight always help weak and poor people, And he inherited the flame of honor and honesty of his father ... and characterized by courage and fearless even of death itself,
One day he met a masked girl. He liked her words and her culture. He love her pride and courage. Even he was impressed by her disregard for him. 
He making the impossible to become closer of her .. sacrificed everything was owned to be able to see her... And all his attempts are all fail. Then finally he got a plan... He decided to build a fence on the way lead to her home. He does not make anyone enter or leave the town without seeing him. And if the passerby is good, he let him pass. And if he was a knight he was silently fighting him so as not to cross  The road and see his beloved one, 
Finally she loved him, his ego let him to raise his face to her family and said, "No one deserves her love more than me. No one can take it from me before it kills me and on my dead body, Even the king of death himself can not"
His feelings towards her drive him crazy,  let him forgot the gifts god gave him, his vanity blind his eyes let him become arrogant,
God heard him from above, so,  he asked his angel of death Azraeil, to take his soul, to prison his spirit,
In a blink of an eye Ezra came down from heaven and he walked in the road.. And he call for the knight, "You he who prohibited men from pass this road,  I'm going to take your soul to her creator, god send me to take your soul" the knight was known that no human can say such words to him, 
He got a tear in his eyes and reply to the angel of death "please don't i did wrong actions but I'm a good man, i have a lot of humans and they love me,  please..  Let me live the rest of my life with the woman i love, 
Azra felt with his honesty, but azra also can't come back to god with an empty hands,  So,  he asked the knight..  "okay ask any one to die foe you  and I'll let you alive, the knight ran to his family and to all his friends asking for them help,  he asked them for one can sacrifice his soul for death angel, 
and alas,  nobody helps him, everyone was loving life, so the knight started to cry and his beloved one saw him, 
She asked him, my knight why i you are crying ?
He told her the story and what he searched for...  Then she started to walk into the death angel and said.. 
"please take my soul for i can't live without his love..! "
The knight ran towards the death angel and said.. 
"please let her and take my soul for i have nothing on this earth or another if she wasn't going to be with me"
God listen to all this and asked his death angel to let them both alive... And before he fold his wings towards the sky..  The angel of death said to the knight 
"nothing created to stay forever, your love gives you another chance,  don't wast it builds walls, for what meant to be has been written by god and will always find its way."