
Saturday, November 18, 2017

At the doctor door

I went to the doctor one day complaining about my condition
Does the doctor know what happened to me?
I sat down and the doctor said to me, "What are you complaining about ?" Describe your condition... I said my case informed, explained from to tell.
I came to you while I'm sure you haven't nothing to give me about my sickness,
I do not complain or protest fever, but the fever is unbearable what I'm going through,
I opened my mouth to you to see my complaining... now tell me..! 
Have I eaten of my hands work, Have I feed this body of good deeds or of cheating and deception,
Do I takes too much medication and antibiotics ?
Or did I do good to those who around me ?

Do you really knew my heart medicine, could you discovered  the disease and the cure..!
You put in my mouth the thermometer, Will... does the heat of faith being high, for my sickness flow of the multitude of sins,
The sin of drug abuse,
The sin of backbiting and gossip,
The sin of talking without meaning,
The sin of leaving what satisfies the divine and do what pleases me,

If you are a doctor so please tell me what is the treatment for sins above my head like mountains,
We will speeds up and curls in the embrace of medicine if we get sick, while the disease of sick minds, of terrorism, deception and illusion in drug abuse,
while the disease of weak hearts, of hatred and greed .... are more important to find it a cure than what you claims.