
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Honesty as I knew,

Honesty, is a great creation of the ethics of humans, to he who believer in humanity, It may come to mind that the concept of honesty is limited to the general meaning that is against lying,  But it's broader than that,It includes truthfulness and honesty of work;As for the truth of the saying, it is identical to the words of reality and not to change anything from it,As for the truthfulness of the work, it is identical to the behavior of the real religion person for his saying and his belief, that is, his application to the beliefs he believes in.
Fields of honesty... 
Honesty with God Almighty: With sincere faith in the actions that he does, and make them to God alone and does not seek the non-satisfaction. 
Honesty with self: by recognizing guilt, defects and imperfections, and working for reform. 
Honesty with people: whether in conversation or dealing.
Sections of honesty... 
The truth of the tongue, 
Which does not say to the truth, whether in the news of his transfer or answer to a question posed to him, or any talk that happens by him, as well as must be true in the promises he makes. 
True intention,
To be faithful to God Almighty in all his works, and do not do anything for the sake of the earthly gain or satisfaction of someone; If he intends to do something in the future, he has to be serious and determined to do it. 
He is not hesitant in his intention. He may intend to believe in a certain amount. If God sustains him, this intention must be sincere and not weak.
 The fulfillment of the intention,
To do the work that he had already done when he was given the opportunity. Usually we find someone who is enthusiastic about doing what he can, and when the opportunity comes to him, he is lost and lazy, this is not true. 
The truth of the work,  
Striving to be visible to his actions and consent to his homeland and do not believe in more than in the heart, This certainly does not mean leaving good work, 
Honesty in the sanctuaries of religion:  
Like for example ... of love, satisfaction, asceticism, fear, hope, and trust, which is the finest types of honesty.
The fruits of truthfulness,  
Reconciliation and facilitation. 
The remission of sins. 
Enter paradise and escape from the fire. 
To win the status of martyrs. 
Praise the sincere in the highest public. 
Denial of hypocrisy, because one of the signs of hypocrisy lying in the talk. 
Gain people's trust and love. 
Self-confidence and patience to adversity.
Getting the pond to earn and increase the good.
The response of the sincere prayer and the release of their concerns from God Almighty. 
good end,
 Peace of mind and conscience and not fear of the consequences; whether it was anger and bluff from God Almighty, or the detection of lies by people and disobedience to it.