
Monday, November 20, 2017

Impertinent generation

Every nation has worshiped idol ... And This era idol is the worship of money and power, Forgetting the basic ingredients of creating a generation that carries humanity to a better future, we leave our children to bear our mistakes of the past and suffer from bitter present to face the unknown in a dark future.
Unfortunately the child is born on instinct and very intelligent case then at some point he becomes a stupid person, And we never stopped to look at the causes that prompted instincts to produce an impertinent generation.
You can read a lot of scientific, literary or even philosophical books that talk about this subject, no one can deny that its all useful but i just want to notice one thing, for growing up and educating a child we must began twenty years before he gives birth, for a child dealing with his family members or his society it's a reflect to how he grows up watching and learning from you,
start from now on, deal with your father, mother, your environment and society with respect, with kindness face your problems with an open mind for how you deal with them is a story you yourself are the author who write it and some day twenty years later from now you will watch your kids read it to you,