
Monday, November 13, 2017

In kindness day

Every seed of kindness that we plant today, will one day be a bouquet that they'll lay upon our graves,
No one is loved for the money that they've made
No one is remembered for the people they've betrayed
It is our thoughtfulness our ideas and kindness, That will live when we are gone, 

We should hold every moment precious and help others as many as we can, with a simple act of kindness every now and then.
The world would be a better place... if we all cared a little more, Imagine how many smiling grateful faces... would greet us at the door
if we extended that helping hands, with a simple act of kindness.. that could spread across many lands.

believe or not but ... 
a simple act of kindness... can stop a million tears.
a letter now and then to someone... can save so many wasted years.