
Thursday, November 30, 2017

it's easy to live in a lie

Our departure from human beings may not be hatred or change, for sometimes  solitude is the homeland of tired souls
I thought that the worst thing in life, Is that the person remains alone, but I discovered that the worst thing in life, that man lives with people who make him feel lonely,
The shock does two things to our being as a human... Either destroy us or make as a person hard to defeat, but unfortunately when we fall as a prey to others deception our proposals left to complete our life and move on shrinking around us, Shrinking to become a few possibilities... Regret then either revenge or become a victim of loneliness in our own world.
let me tell you that; do not regret about what you have given them, but you should be proud that you were and still a human, who carries a heart among people with no hearts, and to be honest with you I can't prevent you from taking your revenge but I want you to know that revenge has two facets, A black face eats of your conscience, your spirit and your soul, and drives you to hurt others and a bright white face will inflame your spirit to be the finest and the most creative and the most beautiful human full of honesty and humanity,
The what will still left is to be alone for only solitude is that safe homeland for tired souls but don't forget that solitude is also what makes us weak.. it's up to you but it takes a real human to forgive for forgiveness need so much power,
and I just want to remind you to remember ...
That wonderful is the smile that says to sadness "will not beat me"

That attempt, which says to failure "will not be able to get me down"
That ambition, which says to thwart would "you can not control me"