
Friday, November 17, 2017

Patience is a virtue

A wise man told to his son, who was eager for life ...
My son;
If you see the night reign prevail. you should know that dawn is near,
If you see the rope hardens. you must understand that its break is near,
If you see the distress and the calamities become out of control. you should believe that the vulva is near,

So, be patient about what happened to you
The patience for what has afflicted you is easier for you than patience for what you love... ِAnd if you have patience with them, then you already have the half of your life. And if thou hast believed that the doors that closed in your way are not the cause of arrogance and pride but they no longer lead anywhere.
You will know that patience is a key to release your soul, to accept your destiny.

Then the young boy replied, whispering in his father ears,
Then... Patience is to whisper in the ear of life ... I will not bend as long as our hearts beats with love and the light of hope invades the darkness of our hardship.