
Thursday, November 16, 2017

Superficial thinking

If you want to understand a man, look at his actions in a free choice. You may be quite surprised..!!  
You may see the saint does indecency... And a bitch... Pray. 
You may see a doctor drinking poison... And your friend stabs you from behind while your enemy may save you. 
You may see the servant master by his actions... And Kings deal with bribery... And the poor may are pious by all he has, 
There are many mental handicaps in your complex societies... specially.. Stereotype and the superficial view of things. No one can deny that some of us knew more than twenty three kinds of thinking, as for including but not limited to.. Effective Thinking. And ineffective thinking.. Convergent thinking. And divergent thinking.Product thinking. And logical thinking. Inductive thinking. And deductive thinking. Reflective thinking and hasty thinking. Abstract thinking and concrete thinking...
And many others, the point we need to avoid is.. Extremely trivial is to evaluate what you do not know according to experiences based on consistent criteria, for at some point repeatedly the wrong judgment will be issued to the right person.
and in a simple way, "think before ink"
have a nice evening, all of you.