
Tuesday, November 14, 2017

The power of will "part 001"

It is easy for us as a human beings to dream, hope and imagine ... and then we rejoice greatly in a dream that has become a reality and in order to achieve ... We deeply regret the dreams that have been lost, the ends lost, the desires weakened, the plans are overturned, principles of values ​​and values ​​itself are shaken, It is the case of losing the key to access and the will which driving its  owner to the height of the permanent ... Thought, creation, success and achievement which will never fade away.

Will or self determination, Man in his life as the captain of a ship... chooses its own type and cargo, and determines its destination....
 and you notice him faces the waves and the strong  winds ... he may agreed to the goal with everyone ... just namely to reach safety with the least possible loss and the most possible profit.If he loses the key of his ship, then he dies and wanders his way or drowns in the middle of this deep sea, which does not settle on the case. Sometimes we see him as a strong whip and once he sees it as a quiet carpet and sometimes he casts his jewels and goods to receive him from his will.The master does not have the stability of this sea, but to be vigilant in all cases. He takes care not to be tempted by his calmness, and he will rest and dwell. 
He will not despair of his strength, and he will be able to take advantage of what is bestowed on him.Therefore, we maintain that the "key to access" will be only a self-righteous decision of the same person who leads the ship of his life without hesitation or complacency, so his motivation and self-drive, carrying him to overcome the stumbling blocks and overcome the hardships of bone and achieve the purpose wherever he is, .  
He emerges from the pot of helplessness and the paltry arguments into a unique and vast world and a fertile land waiting for plowing, planting, and watering.  
As it was said: "If you wait for the wind and the air to become favorable, you will never grow, and you will never be harvested." You need our nation for this man who owns himself and does not own him, he chooses for her more honor and dignity, and his nation increases his renaissance and civilization.

to be continue ....