
Tuesday, November 07, 2017

The truth is,

Love makes miracles for loved ones and not for the circumstances surrounding them, Hope illuminates the darkness of despair with candles of the will that does not accept submission, Regret is scant price we pay it for that priceless things we lost as a result of our actions.
Honest love, river of longing flow so warm in veins, blindness in the eye of beholder, know no distance for it's not about being together forever but to remains in the deeps of our hearts eternally.
and longing
you are my magic my gift sent from god, who gave birth to that impossible hope of honest love when I do my best to never let you down with regret,
But how I miss being with you, how much i'm longing to touch your face, O... indescribable feelings, I failed to ink it in a paper.