
Tuesday, January 30, 2018


 Longing taught me since we've met that in your eyes I can fold my dreams, 
Sings the melody of loyalty maybe it takes away the pain and relieves my nights,
And I planted your love in my heart so as more as the years passed I see it blooms,
I dreamt that someday in front of your doors I'll put my bags, and say goodbye to my torment in life, 
And I forgave the days of all its sins, forgave the world, And all mankind were freely forgiven.
Longing taught me what is living, and now I knew how longing feed the stars with light 
However missing you still burning my core, complaining in silence your staleness site, 
Alas.. When there comes a time to meet after our loyalty as if we are strangers, as if we weren't have a promise to keep, 
Ya .. who has given all that I have, I am still in our holy covenant faithfull and believe,
So, if the story has end, and there's nothing still remains can mend, just remember that..  He who is enamored you..  Is Me... Me.. M e. 

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