
Monday, February 26, 2018

Black maze.

Show to me your silhouette friend .. and I shall whisper to you a tale of the night,
Down through my darkness you shall descend.. Into a crevice devoid of light,
Where shadows twitch and dark doth creep
Where nightmares prowl while daydreams sleep
Can you retrace your own steps back..!
Through this maze so depressingly black..!
Focus on me your saviour so bright, and I shall regale you with fables at nighttimes end,
Can you not cling to this perfect delight..!
Or at days end shall you vanish from my sight..!
Ascend through the darkness up into the light, and Into the heavens as shadows descend,
Where vividness reigns and brightness soars,
Where dreams come true for evermore,

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