
Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Her heart

O, my heart.. It's me.. You are my own heart, don't be afraid, answer me..  Are you still love her..! 
Does her love still beating inside you, then you aren't my heart but you're her heart, 
How can you accept humbly her stab treachery in reverence, 
How can you condone her arrogance, her thanklessness in a robe of weakness tears, you aren't my heart you are a dagger beneath my ribs.
Do you even knew about what happened..! 
Do you even knew about the blood flowed from my eyes..!
She brought me from the edge and threw me into dust, She took my vigilance and never gave me tranquility, My steps fluttered, my wishes lost, She crushed my resolve even the tears melted my eyelid, my lips forgot how to smile, then finally I didn't know if I live in the awakening of my death or in the nap of my life. 
The despair went away after all the wishes dried out, My life has become as you see it is neither darkness nor light, all what was before just vanished even I lost the man I used to be, And now I'm in the clouds wrestling her fire and the abandonment. and painfully I wonder why you still attracts me to love has no conscience, and to where it'll take us I don't know for I can't know our destiny.
She smashed me.. Destroyed me.. Because I love her, and now her love still beating inside you, then you aren't my heart no more you're her heart.. Her heart. 

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