
Monday, February 05, 2018

Took my breath away

Through this life we're manipulating, hide our true thoughts, misleading and sometimes we even wear masks, but didn't we stopped for a while and asks ourself ... for what we do that, and what was the price..! 
For at the end we hope to make a definite profit, win a game, mocking and humiliate someone or just satisfying our pride.. there are a lot of motives but the most deceptive and most powerful deception is the deception we practice on ourselves,
As if we've been forced by our wildness ego to get a role in that endless stories called life, sailing through its chapters one after another hopping the end of our story will be happy, ignoring the facts that happy endings are only... unfinished stories and even death itself is not the end, but the beginning.
The amazing thing in our will that we usually smell the fragrance of the end from the very beginning, but we continue to struggle with facts and cling to illusions, ignoring what the story imposed on us.. alas,  

Very small is life...  Just an inhalation come in and If there isn't exhalation .... it's over

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