
Saturday, March 03, 2018

You are my happiness.

Happiness to a broken heart, 
Is like water to a tree.
So be careful from the start, 
Lest all happiness should flee.
Little things somehow add up, 
To something big someday.
So make sure to fill her cup, 
With affectionate displays.
Don't be a fool, it just won't do, 
To set her needs aside.
She needs to hear it, just like you, 
About that love you have inside.
Happiness can only come, 
If you open wide your door, 
The little things, that seem to some, 
Will add up more and more.
Happiness is the reward, 
You work for all your days.
So start stocking up your cupboard, 
And be quick to mend your ways. 

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