
Tuesday, April 03, 2018


I'm the slave he who his gain sins, and his wishful thinking and desires deprived him of turn in forgiveness,
I'm the slave he who became wound up, sad and dark.. From his slips, faults and mistakes had so many concerns and bleak, 
I'm the slave he who written on him... Records of deeds When he forgotten about the observer,
I'm the offensive slave he who hiddenness  disobeyed,... So why I can't signify a  desire for lamentation,
I'm the additional slave he who wasted his life,  when I don't fend  my youthfulness, hoariness and even the decline of my life. 
I'm the drowned slave in the deep of my seas, ... Blazing away perhaps I'll find responsive,
I'm the disordered slave with.. his sins, and I fold what was hold .. Plead desire eagerly, beseech for my curative,
I'm the stray slave he who has wronged himself..  And here I comes in front of your heavenly gates.. turning ... To confiss.

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