
Thursday, June 14, 2018

Every human being living on this earth hope for something
Poor people hope that one day money will come their way
The rich folks hope to multiply their assets before long
Several men hope for a wife who is as caring as their mother
Many women hope for husbands who is as loving as their father
Children always hope for parents who will give them everything
Bankers hope that everybody will pay their mortgages in time
Thieves and robbers hope the police should stop harassing them
While the police hope that every person will be law-abiding
Priests and clerics hope that everyone will live a sacred life
Experienced nurses hope the doctors will treat them with respect
Medical doctors hope their patients will recuperate faster
Careful drivers hope that other drivers will drive like them
Teachers hope all students will do their home-work regularly
While the students hope the teachers will give them easy exams,
Farmers always hope for good and abundant harvest
Lawyers hope more and more people will need their services
Fishermen hope that more and more fishes run into their nets
All politicians hope to get elected and re-elected
Employers hope their workers will volunteer for overtime
Even the mechanics always hope more people will buy used-vehicles
The point is .. Do you honestly can Distinguish the malignant and the good in your hopes...!
What are your personal hopes on this earth..! Is it still personal hopes..!
So... What are your hopes for your family ?
What are your hopes for your country ?
 What are your hopes for your environment.. Do you knew lately you will realize that the day we humans stop hoping on this earth..... Will be the day we cease to be members of this beautiful planet,

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