
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

To you.. who sow wisdom

To you who sow wisdom will reap plenty of intelligence and adorn them on your mind like gracious morning sunbeam.
wits for it will not vanish from the dusk to dawn and blessings from heaven with an angels sing the daybreak tune.
To you who plow thousand fields of honor and integrity, who count pearls in the oceans and dive into the deepest sea with minimal understands how life goes in a simple way, and how humans secrets keep.
whichever... there's no place to escape away from reality, nor escape from reveal.
To you who can't say a word, your silence always in my mind screams, hidden a thousand answers with a tenderly dream.
To you who have the reason to deem, judge not thy who... who writes impossible dream, let him reap the result of thy tilling, and fill his baskets with hope, to the journey he is simply failed to aim.

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