
Monday, September 17, 2018

Ray of hope,

When nothing is left to remember, When no one is ready to accept me ... as member
What shall I do to remove the misgivings.?
Why do they need lips service and thanks giving.?

When dreams are shattered you have no way to go, You will have to make all out efforts and full weight to throw.
It is human psychology that works behind.?
Nothing works except few words of any kind, 

Nothing can be built on ashes, It comes all of sudden and finishes  
If it may be possible for you to raise new order, then life may still prove to be little harder.
Why not go as possible and easy way.?
letting me wonder if ... At the end of tunnel there is bright ray..!

Anyway it was never a thought in mind, exact reason I could not find... I really felt it was asking for something more, do I really had to think and explore.
I so sample and just needed a nice company, though I was blessed without enough of money, but if I was had enough, But really it was not so... and proving, O' it's very tough.

Romance always is my first choice, I had hidden feelings but could not voice, I wanted to shout on top of the roof, as I was lone soul and remained aloof.
It is divine gift to be given to a lonely soul, Entire world is dependent on it .. as whole, Nothing wrong in it If one goes for it.. You may head towards right direction on feet.
Let not be considered as simple game, One should bow down head and in loving you feel no shame, It is bound to take place and come, It is nice step and we need to welcome.
abandonment was as feel void in life, though it is like cutting edge of knife, One may feel something short of accomplishment, but still your companionship is like glorious moments.
And so, with time I realized that it is hard mission and not easy, though it engages us and keeps busy, there are lot many things to be done, Though the real battle is yet to be won.
It may not turn sordid affair, The chances are very fair, You got to take every care, firm commitments for doing fare.
We may move on smoothly, Everything can be tackled easily, for my darling romance can be built up only on definite trust, This is open criteria and must,

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