
Wednesday, September 26, 2018

This kind of love,

Such a nice feeling from bottom of the heart, No one knows exactly when it will end or start,
It can not be marketed all over for certain price, It is so precious and its feeling is very nice
Poetry after another are written on this subject, No one has advanced any particular reason to reject, It has such a tremendous driving force to sweep, You will be left with joy and later on only to weep.
No one should live under fallacy, It has lots of joy and fantasy, Not difficult but it is not that easy, Keeps you wondering and very much busy. One may be counting starts in night, No one may know exactly what is right..!
It is to be felt from within and alone, It has its own joy to be enjoyed by one
Have you seen person weeping with joy, Talking silently with beautiful toy, It is such a unique feeling in hardly life, More joy of having her my beautiful wife.
It is delicate phase one may pass through, All lies around and nothing seems to him true, Only one word strikes his mind all the way, “I long for you and can not remain away”
It is nice to feel all the way very good, No care for anybody and neglecting the food,
It is like child asking for impossible, Landing in unexplored field with trouble.
You may rightly attempt to write poetic verses, Tearing papers, writing all over and near misses, One may try to hide the face but can not cry in open, Try to prove point by painting gloomy side with pen, Then also if no way is found out... going for long drive, Thinking all the positively how to come out of it and survive.
May be it is lover’s exclusive zone, All novel ideas and new concept is borne, There is no room for backing out or escape route, No norms or any kind of rules to flout
It is always good to pass through such stage
It gives tremendous strength and power to manage
It can take place at any time and in any age
It will certainly be a unique experience and golden page,
Almighty has made certain things for each other, Sometimes it may add to tension and make us to bother, But ultimate end will be very much positive and in order, The noble act has to be performed by not crossing the border.

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