
Saturday, October 06, 2018

Bubbles... As it is.

Who can predict about the future..!
No one can have permanent fixture, It is like balloon filled with gas, When it will burst... No one can guess.
The life is like water bubble, Full of agony, pain and trouble, Still we do not run away from the scene, The thrill and joy is about to be seen.
It is simple logic with no reasons, It temperamentally differs from person to person, The seasons may witness some change, The person may not change even in old age.
Our old habits die hard, We still neglect and go forward, We care for no correctness, We err many times and lack the exactness.
We still hope for the best, Do not improve upon the rest, It is just hung in balance, We can't see it clearly even with lens.
We are unaware of its magnanimity, We live in tension and don't prefer amity, It may be inherited weakness, Lot many things have to bear and face.
It is better we realize it soon, The sun will be very hot in noon, It will be slipped away and totally out of hand, We will be lost for ever at the end
Some of the things are not of our creation, We may bear consequences but with no relation, It has just fall on us by sheer bad luck, We are no where in picture and almost struck.
Should I prefer to be non- committal, Though for mistakes I want no acquittal, My commitment to the cause is total, I know it may prove costly and fatal.
I can continue till the last, Life may run out very fast, It is to be utilized in full, There should not prevail any lull.
It is considered as precious, You must work continuous, The gain or loss can be thought over later, The solution should be sought for the matter.
It is of no use to linger over the issue, You can have different view, Still that remains as top priority an dmsut be solved, Dispute, if any, must be resolved.
Life is to be made beautiful and worthwhile, It is to be enjoyed also for the meanwhile, It must be give a serious thought for a while, You should look cheerful and always offer a smile, 
Life may be called anything, but for us it is something, We are just a part of it, We can't remain complacent.

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