
Monday, October 15, 2018

Message of love

The religion has provided safe heaven, A way to attain salvation in troubled mind even, It is
proposed with peace in mind, A definite solution and very kind.
There is peace message with love, To live in complete harmony and believe, No hatred to any one of different nature, It is preached and made very sure.
“Come to me and I shall protect”.... “Come to me and I shall protect”
The universal message was floated, Only be generous and kindly act, No one was to defy it and adversely react.
No religion has differed in its concept, The people have seen torture and wept,
No one has right to hijack the contents, Misinterpret it for personal interest with adverse comments, Some section of people are indulging in such movement, Right thinking people can only regret and lament.
It is real bond and shield, It has provided us open field, We can try to reach the depth of essence, The God will definitely provide the way in presence.
We are not blind follower, We can provide suitable answer, There is sage passage with refuge, We got to obey and can not refuse.
Deep rooted eternal love, Calm water flowing in river from above, 
It is story of spread the message of real love, How dearly he loved her disciples and believed, Helped real one at need of an hour, It was indeed a great honor
Love for god not hidden at heart, Even though He tried to be smart, Still felt loneliness by her absence, The life was devoid of any essence.
Age old love bond still existed, Sung on tongue of everyone and insisted, It is divine love not understood in perspective, God remain in their heart and very active.
And while... He is not with them still there is existence, The want to be with her at once, It is sad occasion for them now, They have no idea to over come or how.
This is present day scene, We have forgotten Him since, All curses befall on us and threaten, We have no escape route even.
Let wisdom prevail with good sense, It is must to ease the tension hence, No one can live in without peace, It is essential to live at ease.

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