
Thursday, November 22, 2018

blank pages

Thousands of thoughts rise in mind at a time, It compels me to think seriously sometimes.
It may not relevance as of now or today, But I can’t keep aloof from it and go away.
I look at vast sea line and think of its deepness, How blue water in it reflect my humble face..!
Big and small fishes run here and there, They face no hurdles or problems anywhere.
Who can reason out the waves reaching at the shore..!
Why do they separately dash against it ... and try more..!
They seems to be in hurry to unite and show the strength, The waves may rise high and low with varying length.
I think of vast blue and hollow sky, How it hangs without support and also why.!
What keeps it in to spread with vast horizon.! No conclusion can be arrived or simply be drawn.

Now we have different varieties of flowers, They are cross bedded and altered
Not original fragrance might have lost, But nothing.. nothing more is left to trust.
I rarely believe in speculation, Yes some propaganda is put deliberately in circulation.
I may not really know about it and only wonder, I use tp stand under the sky and wait for clouds to thunder.
What I want to know is not... the mystery, It is also not needed to know complete history.
As an intellectual you may have fascination for more knowledge, yet you want something to be written... on our blank page.

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