
Saturday, November 03, 2018

Do the tears must fall and be seen..!!

Many things are left unsaid ... Not much attention is also paid
It is best to forget it once for all ... Even if that has caused our down fall
Life is full of enterprise, New day open with sun’s rise, Full of avenues mixed with surprises, All to hold good with firm promises

Live and let others live with least interference, Right lesson with logic and correct inference, Quoting the sentence with authentic reference, To fulfill the promise when committed at once.
There are many ups down as hill curves, It inspires us and in many ways serves, To boost our energy and come off with great zeal, Life is then... taken as mission with aim to make it real.
It makes us all the more important, Some of things come as very instant, Grief sometimes weaken our spirit, It has damaging effect and we feel it.

Do the tears must fall and be seen..!!!
You should be bold enough and very keen, Hold it with all your strength and close to chest, Dash it against and sail through at its best.
In some the quarters it is argued against, Tears are best means to enlighten the chest, It will reduce the heaviness and tension, Let it come out with force without any mention.
To the lonely place but not in isolation, Live with it and solve it with complete liaison, It has direct bearing with mind and has some relation, It must be understood and left with no more questions.
The success also drives person to be burst with tears, It is uncontrollable emotion that is erupting without fear, One can not remain aloof when it is showered with success, It has to come out in open if find no other access
Let us not forget that being human you will have to act as human, There is no exception for genders like man or woman, They have equal amount happiness and despair, To control it in reasonable manner will be fair.
We are driven by the emotional forces,
It may be joyous or full of remorse,
We got to live with those unbearable factors, In any case as losers or victors.
Some people may cut a sorry figure at little setback,
I will always prefer to encourage them by giving back pat,
It will prove as great starter for controlling the emotions,
There won’t be any need then to search for any options.

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