
Thursday, November 29, 2018

unrealistic relationships

You will always miss, My tender love and that ungivin kiss, The story turned with the twist, It has remained only a mist.
I had dreamed of a Little but, It was shrouded by mystery and but, You never came with good proposal, I only waited for your arrival.
The dark clouds used to make me awake, The life and everything was at stake, The situation was about to make, It seems unrealistic and now will break.
You were self centered, You had deviated, pretended, cheated and altered, Your original course and back tracked, Your promises proved hollow and faked.
I know you might not missed me at all, As you had not responded to call, I had slipped and preferred down fall, You were still a mystery and proved wall.
You were clever and very smart, You smashed and broken my heart, I have no reason still to feel being cheated, I have eagerly watched and waited.
Will you come and make me happy..!
Or will you deceive me like many..!
I had full faith and strong desire, You had all the way preferred to admire
I clearly failed to pick, You were hell bent with to beat with stick, It was invisible blow to mind, I was unable to sense and find.
Am I not at all so weak.!
I feel bad but do not speak..!
I retain and do not reveal, With heavy heart I prefer to conceal.
I wish it to be temporary phase, The fear and agony I want to erase, It is not allowing me to feel at ease, I wait for new energy to release., .
I have never tried to find any fault, It was close secret and held in vault, It will not be spoken at any cost, You have remained close to heart and in mind uppermost
I shall not complain or shed the tears, I will simply watch and truthfully bear, The wounds inflicted by you as reward, I shall be anxious and look forward.
You are not more than anybody, But still you hold special position as unique somebody, I found it quite amusing and pleasant, If would be doubled if you had remained present
I shall never be a dejected person, I have understood and followed every season, I know the tide will turn one day, I will feel happy in special way.

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