
Thursday, December 27, 2018

before leaking for money like a dog, be an honest.

Neither do I claim my self to be an honest man,
Nor I do give any guarantee to my woman,
I have tried to remain loyal as far as possible,
But life has remain problem and full of troubles.
I know for sure that she was one of the best,
Did all whatever she could and proved true to test,
Yet something was troubling and keeping her away,
Her behavior was coming definitely on the way.
It is sweet tug of war between couples,
It is so when they get into doubles,
Children change their way of living,
It is now question of faith and believing.
Some of the interests are forgotten for cordiality,
Some of the couples show it as their best quality,
Despites lots of difference they try patch up,
Keep relation in tact and nicely cover up.
There is no need to express regret or feel sorry,
Some of the fears keep surfacing and add to worry,
Life is another name for on going struggle,
Compared to that of timely appearance of water bubble.
How come that ship can sail smooth.?
People may try very hard in their youth,
Yet some of the tricky ways dishearten,
The patience runs out of it all of sudden.
It takes years of time to adjust,
It is almost known and must,
As it demands greater degree of understanding,
It gives enough of time to correct image and.

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