
Thursday, December 06, 2018

Only dead fish.. go with the flow, "last dinner"

Do you really think that hard work pays, and luck too plays, You are rewarded with fruit and sooner life will turns in favor and suits. 
Even if our life is barren, but still can be turned into heaven, just if we slightly change our pattern, and live happily in turn.
For our humans struggle There is way out, When we just think about, while you still try for more.. more and crave, when all what we need to be happy is only to be happy with what we already have, to love the way you like, reject the offer you dislike, acting as per conscience and do not miss single chance.
do you remember when i told you "You have to struggle to come out of trouble"
Behave in simple manner, as you not actor.. You are human being, work towards peace to bring.

Love and make others to love, fall in line and sensibly behave, nobody may harm as you are good for in life you have nicely understood...
Life is message.. To deliver at different age.. We need to perform on live stage.. Just to make fine imprint on page, 
If sun can shine, and makes us to feel divine. There is every reason to be hopeful .. and make your life purposeful,
now take you time and tell me ... what is your mission in this life..!

"Andria Hazim"

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