
Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Come to me.

Eyes were swollen and red with some pain, They were not bright as ever or looked plain
It carried so much behind it and reflected, Some one as if had deliberately inflicted

I tried to hide the emotions to put brave front, It surfaced again to counter and confront
Was that so difficult to suppress and confine, Nothing was going my way and didn’t look fine
I understood the importance of being alone, Was not the life journey to be cut as one..!
What was the use of showing it to the strangers.!, I was in continuous rage and in anger
What would I tell if I happened to see her..?
How will I hide the red eyes which will definitely beam?
Still it was far off to result it in reality, I was in her life a special entity

I still confronted her and expressed an ire, “What do you see in my eyes and admire
I shall be happy if you can just put it right”, She stood motionless but did not loose sight
I smiled at her and threw a poser, She read and understood it as composer
“I see complete sea deep treasure, But have no words to express pleasure”
I can see the anguish behind your good smile, You are deep in thought for a while, You think how would we cover an extra mile..! I promise to take you across meanwhile
I can't read each and every word, Stand by you in the midst of any need,
Come... Come and join me and not run away or fled, Only the thing if you decide to come forward.

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