
Thursday, January 17, 2019

it was a dream,

Walk along and take me to shore
Shower the love and words some more
Is it not the love a heavenly gift?
Why there should be ignorance and complete shift?
I longed number of years for your company?
I expected your warmth and need to accompany
Why there should be distrust even if any?
Love should be the only concern to avoid many
You were not hollow like endless sky
I dreamed a lot and never asked why?
I used to hide the face and felt very shy
It was earnest desire and very good try
I shall hold you till the end
Always ready with flowers and messages to send
Take me on the sea waves to swim across
Let there be no danger of any kind to pose
You take me to ride on your powerful wing
I lean on your solder to whisper and sing
You may hold the sway on my kingdom as king
How to express the joy as lucky most being
I shall be ready to share your sorrow
Do everything at my disposal for better tomorrow
You afford me a chance to with your forever
I shall do whatever is possible however
You are the only one who can taken in refuge
I am not in position to decide or refuse
You may have inclination but with different views
I know only one thing that my love is very much overdue
All beautiful flowers are ready to boom
I have decorated them nicely in room
I don’t know how really spring can blossom
You will be really looking unique and handsome
Unconsciously I was dreaming in day light
I think it is natural and perfectly right
People around may consider it as sheer madness
When I may be seen moving with sadness
I have no reason to feel insecure
You are fully aware and made it sure
It is sufficient to make me feel at home
Hand in hand to enjoy and freely roam
May be this is called heaven on earth
To fulfill the mission is the reason for birth
Why not make it beautiful and of real worth?
I shall not fear from any set back
I too shall my head to Him and sincerely thank
It shunt’s have been possible to find you easily
Though I was unprepared and acted silly
I may not live long but rule for ever
Heart and mind will always act together
It is clear win for two peace loving soul
Clear drive with only goal without any foul

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