
Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Technology and humanity

Someday technology and humanity will collision, no matter how we believe in logic now or even we knew it's a bunch of insane illusion.
Someday envy will freed under required of our need, and who will remains shall forget about any deed, even people will forget how to breed.
Someday Earth finally will twitch, erase falsity, dithering, exaggeration and no more miracles for teach.
we will know before it comes, hit the ground as thousands of bombs,
remember then to bow, to put you head so low, nothing for one year will grow, and who will control is he who was know the jungle law.
then you will count only in your own actions, nothing and nobody will help or gives you satisfaction.
In the land of reality will be no jails... technology, humanity and what you're knew will be for the new generations... fairy-tails.

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