
Monday, August 27, 2012

My lord

If my lord asks me.! have you shyness in chis obeying me.?
You conceal your sins from my creations and with sins you come to me
So, how will I answer.!!!
O.. Woe to me and who shall protect me !!
I keep averting my soul with thoughts of hope from time to time
And i forget what is to come after death
And what is to come after I'm shrouded, as id I'm guaranteed life eternally
And that death will not come to me
And when the severe stupor of death overtakes, who will protect me !!
I looked at the faces, is there not from amongst them .. Who will ransom me !!
I'll be asked regarding .. what I've prepared in my life to save me on the day of judgment
Then .. how will i answer after I've neglected my religion
Woe to me ..
Did i not hear the speech of God inviting me !!!
Did i not hear what came in my religion
Did i not hear about the day of gathering the day of assemble and the day of judgment!!
Did i not hear the crier of death inviting me .. Calling me !!
So, O .. my Lord .. A slave turning to you .. I have repented
So, who then shall shelter me !!
Except an Lord extensive in forgiveness, to the truth he will guide me
I have come to you in repentance, So, have mercy on me
and make heavy my scales with good deeds
And lighten my account
you are the best of who will bring me to account

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