
Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Simple man

A simple man with simple ideas, 
that’s what he, thinks of himself, 
but others look differently at him. 
They say that he has a heart way off the charts, 
for all the things that he does. 
For the words of comfort that he says, 
and the support he brings to all he meets. 
He cannot see it though; 
to him it is just something 
he has always done naturally. 
To him there is nothing special, 
in all that he does. 
Being kind is no special trait; 
everyone can do it. 
Loving everything and everyone that comes his way, 
a lot of people out there can do that too. 
So why do people choose him? 
He is only human after all, 
no more thoughtful than most. 
Some even think him as an angel, 
he smiles at that, and wishes 
that he had a guardian angel of his own, 
to give him advice when 
he trying to ease someone else’s pain. 
However, he is a simple man, 
who walks through life, 
only doing simple things. 
The only time you will see him frown, 
is when he wants to help someone, 
and finds that he cannot. 
It s then he feels he is failing them, 
because of something he could not do. 
Therefore, if you ever meet this simple man, 
cheer him up a little bit. 
Personally I would like to be like him 
and all that he does possess, 
but my head is buried in the sand, 
too much of the time, 
to do all the things he does. 

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