
Monday, September 10, 2012

Behind The Footlights

I stand behind the footlights, 
wait for the curtain to fall, 
another night will be over, 
and tomorrow another stage will call. 
For a travelling minstrel, 
on a tour of one night stands, 
knowing at home there is someone special, 
with beckoning arms outstretched, 
awaiting for this lonesome traveller, 
to return to those loving arms again. 
Each day that I’m on the road, 
I can’t wait to get back home, 
to the warmth of my family, 
and my loving home. 
One day I will earn enough, 
so I don’t have to travel or roam, 
then I can settle down 
in my loving home. 
Until that day comes along, 
each day will be a lonely one, 
and no one will ever see the tears 
I hide as the curtain falls. 
No one will know the loneliness 
that follows me each day. 
It is only when I see the lights, 
from our home windows glow, 
that my heart will lift, 
and love will again flow. 

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