
Monday, September 03, 2012

If she's happy

If she's happy, I'm happy, especially when it flows from her to me, 
The mind wonders forwards and back across the seven seas, 
To bring me back to a place where my heart is free, 
For if fate denies me the opportunity to see her again, 
Denies me one last chance to try and make amends, 
Then remember the heart is yearning, almost reminiscing of a time spent, 
Between great friends, attempting to find contentment in each other's arms,
Take me back to the one who brought the calm, before the storm, 
Then the heart is torn, forlorn, gone, hurt and eventually reborn, 
Because the knowledge that her smile is wide and her heart is at peace, 
Is enough to put me to eternal sleep, 
If she walks away, I'll stand and wait, no hurt, no guilt, no pain, 
Knowing that she's happy takes all that away, 
And I'll move on, to brighter days, feeling nostalgic about the good old days, 
but it's okay, its fine, her happiness is mine, 
she said if i forget her, she'll forget me, 
but I cant, because only if she's happy, I'm happy, and especially when it flows from her to me

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