
Monday, September 03, 2012

The shadows of my mind.

There are lots of memories locked away 
within the shadows of my mind. 
Memories of childhood years gone by 
and they are located in the dark recesses 
awaiting one day to escape from 
within the shadows of my mind. 
We tend to hide away 
the sad things in our lives, 
locking them away 
never to see again the light of day. 
We wish not to resurrect 
all their sadness and pain. 
Therefore, we store them away 
within the shadows of our mind. 
In the shadows, hold many tragedies 
of which we do not want to relive. 
The pain grows constantly 
just thinking of them again. 
So as I close each chapter 
of my life as it unfolds 
the memories that bring 
the most pain are locked away 
within the shadows of my mind.

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