
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Arabian dreams, killed with no sound

Melting yellow sun 
pale surviving camels 
no where or way to run 
deserts full of symbols and temples 
you look at me although its forbidden 
you know the risk is high 
you realize your committing a sin 
yet you beg me to meet you or claim to die 
I don’t mind, knowing the consequence 
eyes lay upon us and watch so accurately 
we speak by eye contact we leave no evidence 
everything seems to work out correctly 
Then we no longer manage to hide 
we realize anything is easier then separation 
we are hurting and burning inside 
we suffer gradually of desperation 
we appear together for the first time 
some look at us with envy and jealousy 
some despise us and count it a crime 
Then send us to his majesty 
we try to explain we shout we cry 
with no justification he simply rejects 
we beg we bend on our knees we try 
with his cold words he loadly objects 
he threatens our lives as we leave forever
puddles of blood fill up the empty smooth ground 
if we cant live together then we shall die together 
that’s the last they said before killed with no sound

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