
Thursday, December 20, 2012

The same mutual wish

With the full moon high in the sky; 
Pictures of memories run through my mind.
Pain, Hurt, Love and Hate; 
All The same shame.
The Pain will remain, 
The Hurt forevermore, 
The Love to think nothing of, 
And the Hate I will adore.
I dread these things forevermore
yes there are three of us, that makes a company
that day when it is about to rain, but doesn't
we are three ..
wearing white and i am the bad one wishing death
for the other one that we do not like to be with us
but will always be a part of us despite our deep dislike, it is the truth
that death-wish that is there but we do not like to admit it is there
speaking, singing, teasing, taunting
and no matter how we silence it with our handkerchief
they all speak
singer wildly
yes we are watching the burial of a death that comes true we are silent
do we have the same mutual wish for each other..? 
i am sure... i do not wish to be the bad one forever.

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