
Tuesday, July 02, 2013

Idea to hold

Alone i sit in a corner of my room after a wonderful meeting with my boys 
thinking of now and then.
Some of "Edgar Albert" words shin in my mind

"Better than land or gold or trade; Are a high ideal and a purpose true.
Better than all of the wealth we've made; Is the work for others that now we do"


What lies ahead is purely unknown
what comes no one knows when
days turn to nights .. nights turn to days and time keeps passing by.
What has to happen, will happen so no need to howl and cry.
We see the sun, we see the moon, 
we know they're destined to come
but only if the next day comes
will we happen to see them come.
The day may come and the sun may too
but maybe we don't live
for to see the dawn of a new day come
god gave us no life to live.
Whatever time we are alive
let's do some good for other's
for ourselves we always think of the best
but how much do we do for others ? 

We must leave our children the finer things.
We must teach them love of the spot called home
And the lasting joy that a purpose brings.
For vain are our Flag and our battles won,
And vain are our lands and our stores of gold,
If our children feel that life's work is done.
We must give them a high ideal to hold. 

Better than land or gold or trade; Are a high ideal and a purpose true.
Better than all of the wealth we've made; Is the work for others that we should do.

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