
Thursday, July 04, 2013

"Rabaa Adawiya"

Seems that democracy and human rights idols from pressed dates
 or brides of candy sport by their owners and sell them and if people what starved they eat it. Is a lie traded by politicians and jurists whether in their favor If they conflicted with the interests trampled under their feet and this is what happened in the military coup yesterday on the first experience of a real democracy in Egypt and what is happening now in the "Rabaa Adawiya" where no rights to peaceful assembly and expression, not even in freedom and life .

Now about to be repeated massacre sentences threats are greatest and expected the attack and start shooting at protesters in the "Rabaa Adawiya" as happened yesterday at the Renaissance where he began shooting in the air under the cover of heavy aircraft (after the evacuation of the field force of all the cameras channels completely) would not reject politicians military coup will not denounce jurists gross violations of human rights, nor the media, nor the right to peaceful protest, not even the right of political opponents in life as long as these violations serve personal interests .. To the dustbin of history O whom chews of legitimacy and democracy.

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