
Monday, August 05, 2013

Love no one and give nothing.

How can you tell someone you love them and then turn around and bring them down? 
How can you make someone feel like they are on top of the world one day and the next in the worst part of hell? 
What makes a person feel so much affection for another then some much hatred? 
Do we ever really love someone? 
How do you know that you truly love the people you say you do? 
You can't because everyone changes and gives up the good things for something better.
No matter how much you love someone they will always turn there back on you someday.
That is what the world has turned into… A LIE! ! ! 
What happened to 'I will ALWAYS love you? 
What happened to 'We will be together FOREVER? '
What happened to 'No Matter what I will ALWAYS be here for you? 'You give your whole self to someone and they throw you away.

You put everything you have into someone and they just throw it back at you.
Why not just live alone.
Forget about other people.
Why do we need someone else to make us happy? 
Everyone WANTS someone…but do we really NEED them? 
I Love Many but I know they do not feel the deep care for me as I do them.
What do people want? 
What will make them happy? 
What is it that I have to do to show them that I love them and that I need them or I will be nothing without them? 
Why is it so hard to love me back? 
Maybe we should just go on living the way we do, hurting each other everyday pretending like we know 
what love is.
Or maybe we should stop LYING to ourselves and actually love the people around us.
Or maybe we should just not feel anything.
If you don't feel you don't hurt.
Who wants to wake up everyday knowing that someone else they thought they cared about is going to hurt them.
I sure don't.
I am done with love. 
I will go on pretending I know what it is and that I feel it, but I don't really know what it is and I never will, 
because the love that I give to people I never get back.
Love does not exist.
And pain is something that no matter how good you feel will always creep up behind you and take it all away.
Life is worthless without love and no one can love because they will never understand the true mean.
So the lives we live are a waste of life itself.
Love no one and give nothing. 

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