
Monday, August 05, 2013

Moving on

In this world so busy, 
May it be an electron, 
Or it may be an ant, 
May it be star in the sky, 
Or may be planet, 
All are busy in their own journey! 
This world revolves so well, 
Polarity takes place, 
Positive and negative, 
May it be charges or may be human attitude! 
Never judge anyone, 
May you be a judge or not, 
You are limited by time and space, 
What stuff brought you here, 
Brought others also! 
one may be in a hurry, 
may be desperate and in fury, 
You are not here a jury, 
Life is an oven, everyone get baked here! 
No one here can walk straight, 
know thyself and thy fight, 
Be compassionate, 
Everyone is fighting with his own fate! 
No one knows destiny or destination, 
No one knows anyone's state, 
One has to pass through several phase, 
everyone has his own problems to face! 
World is divides into two, 
One can't understand the other, 
No matter on which side one may be
It doesn't matter, 
One is seen and another is seer, 
But can't decide, it is not one way affair, 
One can't decide who is fair or unfair, 
This world is like a big fair! 
One who has won himself will know others! 
electrons and protons, 
North pole or south pole, 
They have their own role! 
Be a neutron, for even neutron, 
To remain as neutron, 
It Has to move, 
stationery will disintegrate, 
So be neutron, move, move move on your way, 
If you rest awhile, you may disintegrate, 
Keep busy always and move till the end! 

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