
Thursday, July 10, 2014

At heaven gates

It is a very disheartening and painful feeling to miss someone. You will miss someone only if you have a lot of affection and love on her or him. Even one minute will seem to be very long and an hour when you miss someone. The flowers, nature, sunshine, fragrance, spring rainbow and all other things will not bring in happiness and solace when you do not have the person dear, near you. It is similar to the situation of a fish being out of water .
once i read to our great, Lamartine rightly said, “Sometimes when one person is missing, the whole world seems depopulated”
But interestingly, i feel that; when you miss someone, the affection grows more and more. and really absence makes our heart grow fonder, is one proverb. When you mis someone, they may appear in your dreams too because your heart and mind are filled with their thoughts all the time. Maybe you are out of my sight, but you will never be out of my heart, I may not see your face near by, but I will always remember your smile, I will never hear your voice again but you will forever whisper in my ear, I never got to say goodbye to you, or tell you how much you really meant to me, but just listen .. one day we will meet at heavens gates and I will be with you again and this time it will be forever. In the end, all we have left are memories. Bits and pieces of the time we've spent together. No matter how long the time was. It'll never seem like enough...

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