
Monday, July 21, 2014

My only question is, Why?

In a world full of masks, costumes and facades...weaving in and out of the traffic called life I still maintain my soul and the characteristic threads that set me apart from I the only one that thinks like this?
People are always telling me to smile, like smiling is going to just take away all the hurt and pain. Well I've tried that I've tried hiding my sorrows and covering the sadness in smiles and what I've learned is that when it hurts this much inside your heart always has a way of showing it no matter how many masks you wear.
Why is it so hard to get over someone that never even loved you? Why is it no one understands your pain? Why is they never understand that when we say I'm Fine it's always a lie? Why is it we've been telling people I'm fine for so long they never even see behind the masks we wear? We get pushed to the limit, we break and we do the same thing over and over again and they still never figure it out. My dears.. We all wear masks, and the time comes when we cannot remove them without removing some of our own skin.

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