
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

All that matters is what you think of you.

In life we are constantly faced with making the choice of conforming to an ideal of society, and being a person that we know may be socially accepted, but wouldn't necessarily be an accurate representative of who we really are on the inside, or to being who truly are at our deepest and most intimate of levels. 
In making this choice the most rewarding of the choices to choose is to be who you really are at heart. Don't conform to being someone you aren't in the hopes of earning love from a certain amount of people, be who you are so that you will have a positive impact over masses of people from generation to generation. 
There will always be people in your life who will not like you for whatever reason, and there will always be people who refuse to try to understand you. But for every person you cant help inspire, there are many who will be inspired! 
Be that truly special person that you are deep down, live your life and become your best you!

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