
Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Do something today

The future has yet to be written, have you yet picked up a pen? Your time to start is now! Stop making excuses, stop living in the past, and stop thinking about what little you have now. It isn't about what you have now, its about what you will have in the future if you are just willing to risk losing what little you have now. Remember that failure will come, and adversity will make its presence known as you try to better yourself as well. Never let these things stop you from becoming the person that you know you truly want to become. 
Your future hasn't been written yet, so why are you still debating on proceeding after your dreams or not? Don't let the fear of venturing into unknown stop you from reaching your potential. Be the author of your own story, and inspire others with it, write your own! SO... 
Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

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