Friday, June 03, 2016

Collecting what still remains.. Chapter 01,

I feel like it’s there for keeps, in everything I touch, in every word I speak everywhere I look and even .. In every thought I think. from my first steps, My conscience, the baggage I picked up along the way and my trash when I did pass away..
I got up one day and had enough, I grabbed a sack and in I stuffed all those things that piss me off and dumped it in my old car, I started the engine and thought I can move along, get the wheels to turn, but it haunted me and weighed me down..
So, I thought I will get rid of it in the next bin I found but it took a walk and followed me, to the next stop and got in to the back seat
Where I can see.. o
And every time I look over my shoulder I see that little me.. I wonder..
Why is he after me ?
Why can’t he just walk away .?
And leave me alone, and let me do what I’ve got to do today
I stopped my old car and pulled him by the arm, 
You’re wasting my time' I told him for the last time.. 
I drive on .. and on along that deser highway road, and I wouldn’t park... Till I can prove you wrong and show you that I’m really strong.
I opened the door to get back in to my seat and there he was again.. o God, But now in the driver’s seat, I stood stunned while he said' Listen to me
You can’t get rid of me, deal with it and come with me, face your fears and become my friend.. That’s the only thing that will make
Your nightmare end.. 

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