
Saturday, November 10, 2018

Good morning my darling.

I had the sense of deep feeling, Had strong urge and of course willing, But from inside something was killing, I could not decide whether it was end or beginning, It is strong human bond that forces for something, You might have got all or desired for everything,
Still it needs warmth and special relation, If so then you are kind hearted person with such indication, It is not matter for open discussion,  But make sure of it before having any passion,
You must give fair trial for its durability, Such relation may only last long if has fine quality,
Just pose a question where you are loved person, If so then what are the most probable reasons,
Do you love your self than any body else..!
Or is it simply infatuation or feelings very false..!
There is no fun in rushing for quick results,
The love is not a feeling to be prepared in advance, It takes place all of sudden and at once.
No one knows when and why it will happen.!!
It is bound to take place if not desired even.
It as fair chance of succeeding at any stage, Only it requires coming at the right age, As it is writing of words on new page, It is definitely a delicate and critical phase.
One must make it sure that that love is blessings, Not a single aspect must go unnoticed or missing.
It is beautiful stage and must be felt immensely, It is God gift and must be treated as heavenly.
It may have little sex angle or body attachment, But it is deep feeling with glorious moment, Some of the moments run along with mutual consent, But over all impact is understood and felt.
I shall consider it as holy union, There is nothing wrong to seek her companion, It is after all a strong bond with passion, One is ready for its acceptance and admission.

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